Learn to Play the Piano Book in six weeks or less

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Beginner Week 1
Notes on piano - Reading (pages 1-9)
This video uses the material in PLAY PIANO IN SIX WEEKS OR LESS. Pay extra attention to pages of reading that lead up to the READING B Through G on page 7. The Piano Layout – Reading Introduction. This is very important as you will see in a very short time you can learn ALL THE NOTES on the piano. Reference the layout against the 2 and 3 BLACK NOTE groupings. We also look at lines and spaces here that will introduce our platform in which we will be reading notes. Memorize the lines and spaces.
Patterns - Intro to 3 note chordal pattern (pages 10-11)
This video uses the material in PLAY PIANO IN SIX WEEKS OR LESS. Pay extra attention to pages of reading that lead up to the READING B Through G on page 7. The Piano Layout – Reading Introduction. This is very important as you will see in a very short time you can learn ALL THE NOTES on the piano. Reference the layout against the 2 and 3 BLACK NOTE groupings. We also look at lines and spaces here that will introduce our platform in which we will be reading notes. Memorize the lines and spaces.
Sample 7 Patterns Key Notes
A short demonstration of the 7 Diatonic Patterns and identifying the KEY NOTES for the RIGHT HAND. Lots of exciting levels to be incorporated onto this topic.
SHELLS Introduction to Maj7 Shell formation (pages 12 - 13)
The video here uses pages from the PLAY PIANO IN SIX WEEKS OR LESS book! Reference pages 12 and 13 for details and exercise for the Major7 SHELLS. Shells Introduction for an important foundational layout. The 1 note down from the octave will have you quickly and easily finding the Maj7 chord. This important SHELL formation is a professional skill and will be used at our highest levels of playing so respect it as you move forward with learning the SHELL. Remember too the SHELL and Patterns are 2 separate skills we will be running side by side in our learning. You will soon see how they can work together and which skill set to use and where.
Tune - Ode To Joy (pages 14 - 15)
This video will be referencing pages from the PLAY PIANO IN SIX WEEKS OR LESS. Detailed reading to support Ode To Joy is on page 14 and the music is on page 15. Ode To Joy is a great opportunity to see a rather simple melody in the RIGHT HAND applied against the LEFT HAND. Use the various skills to break down applying yourself so you dont get overwhelmed.
Beginner Week 2
Reading full range using INTERVALS (pages 18 - 23)
Reading FULL RANGE using intervals. Important to be putting to memory the LINES and SPACES. Observe how they are related to the MIDDLE C when reading. The 2nd interval skill will assist you being able to read notes quickly and easily. Watch the contour of the notes as they move up and down. Most melodies in typical songs will have notes that are sitting close together and usually limit the amount of leaps in music.
PATTERNS All White Key Patterns (pages 24 -25)
PATTERNS All White Key Patterns is a fun skill to again further increase your awareness to be able to find the notes quickly all over the piano. These 7 White Key patterns will provide you with a great skill to get you up playing quickly using their 3 note pattern shapes against RH improvisational tones. It is of the utmost importance to have these 3 Note Patterns put to MEMORY! Remember as well that the PATTERNS are a separate skill and should not be confused with the SHELL formations. TWO SEPARATE SKILLS we are learning.
SHELLS All white keys (pages 26 - 27)
SHELLS All white keys. This is our most important foundation skill where through this formula you can quickly find ALL Maj7 chords. 1 note down from the octave will reveal this powerful tip on how to conform to your LEFT HAND chords. This outer edge presentation is a very professional skill and will be used at high professional levels as well so please respect this as you move forward. By playing only the outside edges of the chord it provides us with a solid foundation to build on. We will be placing inner chord parts of the Maj7 chord into the RIGHT HAND which now spreads the chord over your two hands on the piano.
Danny Boy TUNE (pages 28 - 29)
DANNY BOY Tune Here is a traditional favorite that will have you playing the RH melody notes and get your Left Hand up and actively playing its part. Get the basis of this first before exploring the more advanced colors and textures. Lots of things will lie beneath this piece of music and as you grow you will be compelled to apply yourself.
Beginner Week 3
READING Sharps Flats 2nd 3rd INTERVALS (pages 31 - 37)
READING now we focus on SHARPS And FLATS as well as further support of our INTERVAL reading using 2nd and 3rds. Pay extra attention to the 3rd as it skips. This tip will help you read active melodies with more easy following the contour of the notes on the music. Remember to hold great importance to the lines and spaces and use the interval reading as a supportive tip.
3 Note PatternsMELODIC TEXTURES (pages 38 -39)
3 Note Chordal Patters using MELODIC TEXTURES. By adding these tones will add an advanced sound. Pay attention to the Sustain Pedal to be working on effectively setting up next chord. Enjoy the beautiful sounds you will get when you add the note under the given melody. Be selective as to which note you select to add. The more advanced levels of application should only be attempted once you are proficient with underlying base applications.
SHELLS Maj7 Black Keys (pages 40 - 41)
SHELLS Maj7 Black Keys work through carefully rounding out the last of the KEYS for Maj7 cords. It is through this formation that the up and coming other SHELL shapes will be made easier now. It is important to realize this is a very professional skill. Although displayed in an easy fashion do not take this for granted. This skill will work for you even at the highest levels of playing.
Greensleeves TUNE (pages 42 - 44)
GREENSLEEVES Tune will present another TUNE display for you to look at. Observe the 3/4 time signature and the various repeats and endings here. It is through working on these tunes that will help you see the basis for applying yourself on tunes of your choice. It is important to break down your playing so you can still be presented with a challenge however make it attainable.
Greensleeves sample of levels
Here we take a quick sample of Greensleeves taken from my book highlighting the levels of application we will learn for you to apply to your own tunes of choice.
Beginner Week 4
SIGHT READING 4th Intervals (pages 46-48)
SIGHT READING 4th Intervals Here we take a good look at the 4th interval which is much more difficult to see than the 2nd and 3rd shape. Observe the Line to Space or Space to Line association. I strongly suggest you rely more on Lines and Spaces getting stronger as this will better serve you. The 4th interval will offer just another way to assist in your overall reading and you will be seeing more 2nd and 3rd intervals in commonly played tunes.
PATTERNS 3 note patterns and releases (page 49)
PATTERNS 3 note patterns and releases. In an effort to enhance your overall viewing here we will be having you apply narrow and wide shapes to add color of the chord sound and the releases add melodic interest. It is through this RELEASED tone that provides and endless platform of expression. Careful when improvising to watch VOID NOTES. These certain tones will function if you dont like their sound you just have to resolve the tone to next note higher or lower.
SHELLS 2 note down (pages 50-51)
SHELLS 2 notes down will now unfold the formula for 4 chord types. After already learning the Maj7 SHELLS this 2 notes down structure should be a lot easier to process. Be sure to learn the various ways there is to display a chord type as different book publications will opt to choose one and often will be different from book to book.
DIXIE Tune (pages 52-53)
DIXIE the traditional classic tune will present CHORDS and melody for you to play. Observe the mixture of chord types. Remember always start by playing just the ROOT of the chords in the LH to help pull the tune together before exploring shells and more advanced applications.
Aura Lee sample of levels
Aura Lee here we take a look at a quick sample of the levels we will learn to apply on this popular tune. These skills will be learned and enable you to apply to your own pieces of music.
Aura Lee (pages 52-53)
Aura Lee the classic popular tune will present CHORDS and melody for you to play. Observe the mixture of chord types. Remember always start by playing just the ROOT of the chords in the LH to help pull the tune together before exploring shells and more advanced applications.
Beginner Week 5
READING 567 octave - fingering options (pages 58-61)
READING 5th 6th 7th and octave also fingering options. Explore the various fingering options here that will help you control the hand and get you to different positions on the piano. These larger intervals show you the tip on how to see them quickly on music. Remember larger intervals are used carefully in music because most melodies in tunes will keep the intervals smaller designed more for voices singing the tune and not having to leap repeatedly in tunes. Leaps in these larger intervals are nice as they add melodic interest. See for yourself in sheet music the leaps will be obvious but you will see the contour of the melody line will keep notes moving closely and smooth contour.
PATTERNS Key Note Release (pages 55-57)
PATTERNS Key Note Release and Quarter note Improv. This KEY NOTE RELEASE is one of the coolest improvisational skills because by observing the KEY NOTE you can when you leap select the next note higher or lower as the NEXT KEY NOTE for the NEXT PATTERN. This will help dictate which LEFT HAND pattern is played next. The possibilities are endless here. Eventually work onto full improvisational skill with texture and release to the 4 quarter notes which is a nice way to feed more ideas in RH.
SHELLS 3 notes down (pages 62-63)
SHELLS 3 notes down will present you with the final structure highlighting the Maj6 Min6 and Diminished7. These 3 chord types will help round out the SHELL study. Remember the SHELLS is a very professional skill that will cover your foundation in your future playing. As we add notes into the RIGHT HAND from the chord this outer edge display of the left hand will force the cord to be played between 2 hands.
Funky Banana - Cat Man Do - Mabels Slide (pages 65-67)
BLUES TUNES Funky Banana, Mabels Slide and Cat Man Do are 3 original blues tunes I wrote that will provide a fun place to see the Shells work into place. Each one of these pieces will present its own challenge within.
SAMPLE Buzzards Blues
Here we take a quick look at my original blues tune Buzzards Blues as one of the few we work on in my book. A fun tune to put our skills to use.
Buzzards Blues (page 68)
Work through Buzzards Blues in your book and be sure to break it down. You will see the repeating of the phrases that will make learning this piece more attainable.
Beginner Week 6
Reading ADD the 5th (pages 70-71)
READING adding the 5th is a very powerful skill to develop in the LEFT HAND. Watch carefully as to how we can find the 5ths of EVERY KEY quickly with the formula to see them. Also when used in conjunction with the SHELL is one of the most powerful skills you will encounter. It functions as a time keeper in your left hand and this added 5th note sits with much power helping drive the Shells through your music.
Patterns OPTIONS using the 5th (pages 72-74)
PATTERNS using the OPTIONS. This is very powerful piece of lesson information and as you move through the various OPTIONS available I recommend you to start slow as you work through the several option breakdowns. Each will hold a great place in your playing. HELD OPTIONS, BROKEN OPTIONS and the PATTERN OPTIONS. Be sure to select the correct level OPTION as your skill level gets higher. Each option holds great value so it is not necessarily leaving one better than the other. Respect each of them!
Sampling of ALL Blues pieces
Sampling of all the blues pieces that appear in my book. These are fun engaging pieces that will help us put control into our skills we learn.
In Walked Mo Blues piece (page 75)
In Walked Mo here is an original blues piece I had written. Focus on the Left hand Shell and watch the video carefully as to how the left hand pulsing on each beat adds to driving the time forward. ###### SEE DAN LESSON SHEET!!!
SHELLS placing into TUNES (pages 76-77)
SHELLS placing them into tunes!
Putting it all together (pages 78-79)
Putting it all together!
More Than Just Chords (pages 80-81)
More Than Just Chords!
Closing Remarks! (page 82)
Closing Remarks!